De echte Arken van Noach waren rond en slechts 150 -300 cm in diameter (en ze worden in Irak nog gebruikt)!
(te oud om op te antwoorden)
2022-04-30 03:09:28 UTC
De echte Arken van Noach waren rond en slechts 150 -300 cm in diameter
(en ze worden in Irak nog gebruikt)!

Confirmed Predictions Show Past the Point of Any Return


US bioweapons labs in Ukraine; Ukrainian officials secretly confirm
Zelensky a Nazi


Just as America has been breaking fixed or promised contracts since time
immemorial, Schliemann also acted in this way. But it gets even better
with the lying and fraudulent actions, for there are, for example, lies
spread in religions, such as in the 3 of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
in the so-called religious books Torah, Bible and Koran, which could not
be more hair-raising and lead back to Babylonian origins. For example,
the so-called Flood was nothing more than a ‘wild water’ or a flood or
high water as a result of a storm. This had an easy time in Babylonia at
that time, because the ‘water architects’ had large watercourses built
by the cities, whereby the rising wild waters could quickly burst their
banks and cause floods. The Babylonians called such floods ‘deluge’,
which the Jewish peoples had simply adopted in the same way when they
were brought into captivity to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar and established
the term ‘deluge’ with world flood and the like. There they had also
heard of the fantasy story of the Flood and the fable of Noah’s Ark,
which was also written down in cuneiform by a scribe in Ur, although the
name of the alleged Ark builder was renamed, as moreover the necessary
material for the construction did not actually grow in Ur – today’s
Basra – but in the south of India. Moreover, it must also be said that
ancient cuneiform writings dating from the early primeval times of
Babylonia state that this ‘ark’ was supposed to be around 70 metres in
diameter, which at that time was an impossibility to build such a thing
and to seal it with bitumen in such a way that it would have been
waterproof. Not to mention how it would have been possible with a round
boat – which, by the way, are still in use today in certain areas of
Iraq and measure about 1.5 to 3 metres – which, according to an ancient
cuneiform inscription, would have had a diameter of just about 70
metres, to take a pair of each animal species on board, since there are
known to be millions of different species of animals, creatures and
other living beings. At that time many more than today, because in the
meantime the human beings have already exterminated many of them.
Nevertheless, all these Babylonian stories were taken over by the Jewish
peoples, who were very strongly influenced by the Babylonian beliefs and
integrated much into their own religion, which was later also adopted in
the Torah, the Bible and the Koran. So also the Jewish religion is no
longer original, but distorted and interspersed with foreign religious
knowledge, which the ‘captives’ in Babylonia have appropriated, as is
inevitably the case with earthlings when they come into contact with
other faiths, consequently this and that ‘sticks’ and is adopted.
Besides, the Jewish people in Babylonia had nothing to complain about,
for they could move about freely and, after Nebuchadnezzar’s order, even
pursue their occupations, which they had done before, from which the
Babylonian people profited. That was once in between, but we have
stopped at the war that is taking place in Ukraine.
Bert ( A W RvB )
(Adres op website)
Twitter: awrvbnl

US spaceships maximum velocity:
One light-year a minute.
AWN http://www.awn-archeologie.nl
GEA http://www.gea-geologie.nl
NVR http://www.ruimtevaart-nvr.nl
Sterrenkunde http://www.dekoepel.nl
UFOwijzer http://ufowijzer.nl
Frank Zippo
2022-04-30 11:49:39 UTC
Post by Bert(AWRvB)
De echte Arken van Noach waren rond en slechts 150 -300 cm in diameter
Bedoel met zonder hoofdletter D je cirkelrond (zoals een cirkel) of
kogelrond (zoals een kogel)?

Een dinosaurus of zelfs een olifant huisvesten op pi 150 cm kwadraat of
in vier derde pi 150 cm tot de derde lijkt me schier onmogelijk, afge-
zien nog van de onmogelijkheid om ueberhaupt een dierentuin te beginnen
op een echte boot.
Post by Bert(AWRvB)
(en ze worden in Irak nog gebruikt)!